ACCESS MBA -One to One-

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Date(s) - 08/04/2017
9:30 am-4:30 pm

Intercontinental Jakarta MidPlaza

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Pertemuan Pribadi dengan Sekolah Bisnis Teratas Dunia

Access MBA memberikan tenaga profesional bisnis kesempatan untuk mempelajari program MBA internasional terkemuka dengan berbicara langsung dengan perwakilan beberapa sekolah bisnis terbaik dunia.

Dengan mendaftar di acara Access MBA ini, profilmu akan dicocokkan dengan hati-hati dan dipilih untuk bertemu One to One dengan sekolah bisnis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan harapanmu.

Di acara ini, kamu akan:
– Menjumpai Admission Director selama pertemuan One to One secara round table selama 20 menit
– Berperan serta dalam Diskusi Panel yang menampilkan perwakilan sekolah dan alumninya
– Mendapatkan nasehat dan dukungan untuk persiapan MBA dari tim konsultasi Access MBA kami
– Memperoleh informasi GMAT dan beasiswa
– Memperoleh wawasan tentang proses penerimaan MBA

Untuk memanfaatkan semua layanan tersebut, daftar di sini sekarang.

Gelar MBA adalah ijazah bisnis yang paling diakui secara internasional di dunia, yang memungkinkan tenaga profesional untuk mendapatkan posisi Top manajemen dan mampu bersaing secara global. Bergabung dengan program MBA internasional akan meningkatkan jaringanmu, memperluas prospek karirmu, dan memberikanmu peluang untuk mengubah gagasan kewirausahaanmu menjadi usaha bisnis

Dengan mendaftar sekurang-kurangnya 10 hari sebelum acara MBA, Anda akan menerima evaluasi profil dan konsultasi pribadi untuk membantu menentukan mana program MBA yang benar untukmu.



The Access MBA Team provides a unique consulting service to each qualified candidate. For ten years now, our in-house MBA experts have invested considerable time evaluating each candidate’s registration profile to better assess and advise individuals on their MBA project. Access to the event is upon invitation only and the selection process is conducted by an internal team of 10 highly experienced consultants led by Dr. Kalin Yanev, PhD in Psychology.

The MBA is designed for business professionals who hold at least a Bachelor degree or equivalent and are fluent in English. Potential applicants should have a minimum of 2 to 3 years of relevant work experience after graduation. The places at our event being limited to an average of 15 individual meetings per business school Admissions Officer, the Access MBA Committee applies further selection criteria based on the suitability of candidates’ profiles to the admissions requirements of the attending schools.

After completing an online registration form, our MBA experts review each registrant’s profile and call the most qualified candidates to gain a detailed understanding of each individual’s MBA project, assess their motivation and help them identify their options. Following this conversation, which is conducted in English, our Candidate Managers evaluate the MBA candidate’s preferences and requirements, and match the candidate with the business schools attending the event.

The MBA candidates selected for One-to-One meetings subsequently receive a list of school meetings and a specific arrival time at the event. Candidates are able to amend their school meetings list and are welcome to communicate with their dedicated consultant before the event. In the case of late registration or if we are not able to reach a candidate over the phone, we invite the qualified registered candidates to the event at a specific time for an on-site consultation session, in order to determine which schools they should meet at the event.

We recommend that candidates register early to benefit fully from this unique consulting service and come well prepared to the event by reading the profiles of the schools they will meet.